2. Overview of Disaster Risk Reduction of Natural UNESCO Designated SItes.pdf
1. Relevance of DRR Activities in UNESCO Biosphere Reserves.pdf
4. Geoinfomatics for the Conservation and Promotion of Cultural Heritage in Support of the UN Sustai
3. LCLU Ngorongoro NDVI Analysis of Vegetation Health as Indicator of Enviromental Change.pdf
2. Community engagement and Technology in monitoring of the GMU-BR [Compatibility Mode].pdf
1. Space-eye of radar interferometry promote the sustainable conservation of Angkor World Heritage s
4. 加大努力,保护自然与文化遗产.pdf
3. 人与生物圈计划的黄山实践.pdf
2. 中国世界自然遗产和世界地质公园发展与展望.pdf
1. UNESCO Designated Sites and Their Key Role in SDG's Implenmatation.pdf