International Mountain Day 2020: Mountain Biodiversity
Mountain biodiversity is the theme of this year’s International Mountain Day, a day to reflect on the importance of their rich biodiversity, as well as address the threats they face.
12/172020 -
Norway increases support of natural heritage in Africa
As part of its new cooperation programme with UNESCO, the Government of Norway committed an additional amount of NOK 50 million over two years (equivalent to USD 5,64 million)
12/082020 -
48th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, 16 Novemb...
The 16th of November marks the 48th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention. This Convention protects the world’s most outstanding places, belonging to us all.
11/242020 -
Monitoring World Heritage site closures Introduction to th...
In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, many governments have taken measures to restrict movements of people and access to certain areas.
11/042020 -
Monitoring World Heritage site closures Introduction to th...
In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, many governments have taken measures to restrict movements of people and access to certain areas.
11/022020 -
CAS Scientists Propose Deep Learning Method for Atmospheric ...
Small particles suspended in the Earth’s atmosphere, scientifically known as aerosols, pose a major environmental problem because they degrade visibility, affect human health and influence the climate.
08/282020 -
Online Meeting: Lessons learned from Covid-19 for marine Wor...
As Covid-19 has impacted most of the world, the pandemic also caused unprecedented challenges for UNESCO marine World Heritage sites. The dramatic drop in tourism revenues left sites struggling to keep rangers on t...
08/272020 -
UNESCO Mobilizes Funds and Expertise to Safeguard Yemen’s C...
UNESCO profoundly regrets the loss of life and property in a number of historic centers in Yemen, including in the World Heritage sites of Zabid, Shibam, and Sana’a, in recent days following exceptional extreme we...
08/212020 -
Focus on Chinese Researchers Release Reports on Desert Locus...
BEIJING, Aug. 14 (Xinhua) -- Chinese researchers have released a series of reports on monitoring desert locusts in Asia and Africa in order to offer early warnings, according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS...
08/182020 -
Youth Day – “Youth Engagement for Global Action”
The theme of International Youth Day 2020, “Youth Engagement for Global Action” aims to highlight the ways in which the engagement of young people at the local, national and global levels is enriching national an...
08/132020 -
Space Information Services Safeguard Chinese Ships in Arctic
BEIJING, Aug. 12 (Xinhua) -- Chinese researchers used remote sensing and model forecast data to help Chinese merchant ships Tian'en and Tianyou safely navigate the Northeast Passage of Arctic this summer.
08/132020 -
Quake-hit Jiuzhaigou's Water Environment Restoring: Remote S...
BEIJING, Aug. 10 (Xinhua) -- A remote sensing study shows that the water environment of the Jiuzhaigou scenic spot in southwest China's Sichuan Province has started to rehabilitate after being hit by an earthquake,...
08/132020 -
UNESCO and ALIPH to rehabilitate Mali’s Bandiagara World He...
UNESCO will support the social cohesion and resilience of communities suffering from years of armed conflict in central Mali as part of a major new project, made possible through USD 1 million in funding from the I...
08/062020 -
China's Probe Radar to Explore Internal Structure of Mars
BEIJING, July 24 (Xinhua) -- After landing on Mars, China's Tianwen-1 probe will detect the surface and internal structure of the red planet by using its onboard radar equipment.
07/302020 -
China Builds Automatic Leaf Area Index Monitoring Network
BEIJING, July 29 (Xinhua) -- Chinese researchers have realized continuous national-scale ground observation of the leaf area index by building an automatic monitoring network, according to the Aerospace Information...
07/302020 -
Study Reveals Composition of “Gel-like” Substance Discover...
The unusual dark greenish and glistening "gel-like" substance in a crater on the far side of the moon has attracted widespread interest following its discovery by the Chang'e-4 rover in July 2019.
07/232020 -
Study Reveals Composition of “Gel-like” Substance Discover...
The unusual dark greenish and glistening "gel-like" substance in a crater on the far side of the moon has attracted widespread interest following its discovery by the Chang'e-4 rover in July 2019.
07/222020 -
Space for New Discoveries
(China Daily)--- A type of archaeology, employing remote sensing and a multidisciplinary approach, is helping researchers unearth significant historical sites, Li Yingxue reports.
07/202020 -
Monitoring World Heritage site closures
Introduction to the global map on the closure of World Heritage sites due to Covid-19 and analysis.
07/162020 -
UNESCO designates 15 new Geoparks in Asia, Europe, and Latin...
Paris, 10 July—UNESCO’s Executive Boards has approved the designation of 15 new UNESCO Global Geoparks, which brings the number of sites participating in the Global Geoparks Network to 161 in 44 countries. The E...
07/132020 -
The oldest evidence of human presence in the Congo Basin fin...
The Lopé National Park in Gabon is a site inscribed on the World Heritage List since 2007 under the name "Ecosystem and Relict Cultural Landscape of Lopé-Okanda".
06/282020 -
Efficient Remote Sensing Algorithm Proposed for Landslide Mo...
BEIJING, June 3 (Xinhua) -- Chinese researchers have designed an improved remote sensing method for more efficient landslide monitoring.
06/232020 -
From Space to Sites: Satellites in Support of China’s Herit...
Since 2006, China marks its Cultural Heritage Day on the second Saturday of June each year. Since 2017, the event goes under the name of “Cultural and Natural Heritage Day”, aiming at strengthening public awarene...
06/172020 -
UNESCO welcomes bp commitment to refrain from exploiting oil...
Paris, 5 June - UNESCO has welcomed the announcement by Bernard Looney, CEO of bp, that the energy giant will refrain from undertaking new oil and gas exploration or production activities within natural, cultural...
06/162020 -
Big Earth Data Indexed by Scopus
Big Earth Data (hereinafter referred as BEDJ), the world's first big data journal on Earth sciences, has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature...
05/252020 -
HIST Conducts Emergency Assessment of Cyclone Impact on Worl...
Requested by UNESCO World Heritage Center (WHC), the International Centre on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage (HIST) under the auspices of UNESCO conducted
05/062020 -
Explore art and archaeological sites in Lebanon through virt...
As we are all locked down and spend time at home to help contain the spread of COVID-19, UNESCO Beirut and Lebanon's Ministry of Culture have partnered together in a unique initiative to allow you to virtually tour...
04/282020 -
More than 130 Ministers call for support to culture sector i...
Over 130 Ministers and Vice-Ministers of Culture joined the online meeting convened by UNESCO to discuss actions to bolster the cultural sector, which is facing unprecedented upheaval due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
04/282020 -
Big Data Platforms for a Global Pandemic
20 leadership with “an extraordinary opportunity to step forward with a strong response package to address the various threats of COVID-19”.
04/202020 -
Monitoring World Heritage site closures
Introduction to the global map on the closure of World Heritage sites due to Covid-19 and analysis.
04/152020 -
Notre Dame: One year after the fire
A year has passed since the fire that ravaged Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France. The Cathedral is part of the World Heritage
04/152020 -
In moments of crisis, people need culture
COVID-19 has brought into stark relief, as crises often do, the necessity of culture for people and communities.
04/092020 -
Technical Meeting on World Heritage Sites in Libya
On 5 and 6 March 2020, the World Heritage Centre hosted a technical meeting to support Libya in the drafting of the Statement of Outstanding Universal Value
03/272020 -
Marine World Heritage: 50 Beacons of Hope in a changing ocea...
Last year was a year of highs and lows for marine World Heritage. Sites made progress in strengthening climate adaptation capacity, adopting zero emission policies and establishing fisheries no-take zones. The 2020...
03/202020 -
World Wildlife Day, 3 March 2020
Today is World Wildlife Day with the theme, “Sustaining all life on Earth.” This encompasses all wild animal and plant species as a component of biodiversity, as well as the livelihoods of people.
03/122020 -
UNESCO and Japan support Afghanistan’s efforts towards remo...
The Government of Japan announced that it would provide USD 3.8 million dollars in financial support to the World Heritage property of ‘Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley’ in Afgh...
03/112020 -
CropWatch Bulletin Releases Crop Production Outlook under th...
The latest issue of CropWatch Bulletin, a quarterly report published by the CropWatch research team from the Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was released on Feb...
03/062020 -
CAS Scientists Assess Risk of Desert Locust Invasion China, ...
The Desert Locust has ravaged the Horn of Africa and Southwest Asia, posing serious threats on agricultural production and food security of the inflicted regions. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United...
02/262020 -
New Progress in China-Mymmar Joint Remote Sensing Survey and...
At the invitation of the Department of Archaeology and National Museum (Bagan Branch), the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture, Myanmar, the DBAR-Heritage World Natural and Cultural Heritage Working Group(WG)...
02/202020 -
22nd L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards recognizes...
On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, L’Oréal Foundation and UNESCO are announcing the winners of the 22nd For Women in Science Awards, which honour five exceptional women scient...
02/172020 -
UNESCO funds nine new projects to support culture in develop...
Nine proposals that will boost the cultural and creative industries in nine developing countries were approved on Wednesday by the Committee of UNESCO’s 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diver...
02/172020 -
Historic visit by Director-General of UNESCO to Somalia to s...
Director-General Audrey Azoulay today carried out a historic visit to Somalia, the first by a Director-General of UNESCO to reestablish the long tradition of cooperation between UNESCO and the country after years o...
02/142020 -
HIST Governing Board Convened 8th Session in Beijing
HIST convened the 8th session of its Governing Board on 7 January 2020 in Beijing, China. Mr. Zhuang Yan from International Cooperation Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) moderated the meeting. In his open...
02/062020 -
International Experts Meeting - Heritage in Urban Contexts: ...
The international experts meeting "Heritage in Urban Contexts: Impacts of Development Projects on World Heritage properties in Cities" is underway at Kyushu University
01/212020 -
World Heritage Centre vigilant on oil spill in the Galapagos...
The World Heritage Centre has been following with attention and concern the situation in the Galapagos Islands, and in particular in the Island of San Cristobal, where a cargo vessel overturned on 22 December 2019,...