


Kyzylorda Expert Meeting held for the preparation of the serial transnational World Heritage nominat


KAZAKHSTAN, 14 November 2016 (UNESCO World Heritage Centre) – An expert meeting for the preparation of the serial transnational World Heritage nomination “Silk Roads: Fergana – Syrdarya Corridor” took place in Kyzylorda (Kazakhstan) on 14 November 2016. It brought together governmental representatives and experts from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan along with representatives of UNESCO and international resource persons to discuss further technical assistance and cooperation. The participation of representatives of the Russian Federation was also welcomed.
The meeting saw the general guiding principles and the coordination of the Silk Roads: Fergana-Syradarya corridor nomination process being reviewed. Also under review was the harmonization of the component parts of this potential nomination to be presented by the four States Parties and further discussion was held on the potential attributes and statement of the Outstanding Universal Value of the Silk Roads: Fergana-Syrdarya Corridor. The Meeting was successfully concluded with adoption of the Kyzylorda Action Plan. One of the main outcomes in the action plan was to elect the newly established Centre for the Rapprochement of Cultures (Almaty, Kazakhstan) as the Secretariat for the Silk Roads: Fergana-Syrdarya Corridor nomination, which would be responsible for facilitating communication between stakeholders, to coordinate the process of preparing the nomination between the four participating countries, and to liaise with the ICOMOS International Conservation Centre in Xi’an (China), as the Secretariat of Silk Roads Coordination Committee. 
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