Digital Heritage

MOU with the Arthur C Clark Institute of Modern Technologies (ACCIMT) of Sri Lanka in 2014


      The intention of the MOU is to launch research studies on some of the World Heritage sites of Sri Lanka during 2015-2016. The island nation has 6 cultural and 2 natural World Heritage sites and research projects were due to commence in 2015. However, several factors, including changes in the National Government of Sri Lanka, have slowed down the initiation of such research studies focusing on World Heritage sites. 
      Reasons for the delays in implementing the MOU have been discussed in detail in the annual progress reports of HIST submitted to the Governing Board in 2014 and 2015. Despite the delays, there have been interesting developments in the evolution of the HIST/ACCIMT partnership with regard to institutional capacity building in Sri Lanka. These developments are discussed under performance indicator 2 below. The identification of 1 or more Sri Lankan World Heritage sites for space technology applications research nevertheless remains a priority; communications between HIST and ACCIMT and the Department of Archaeology of Sri Lanka have led to the identification of the Ancient City of Anuradhapura as a site for focusing research studies. However, research activities will be initiated only in 2017