International Biosphere Reserve training workshop opens in Wudalianchi, China
The opening ceremony of the 6th East Asian Biosphere Reserve Network (EABRN) international training workshop was held in the morning of 20 May 2015 at the Wudalianchi Biosphere Reserve in Heilongjiang Province, China.

Participants at the 6th EABRN International Training Workshop photographed by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) during demonstration by the DJI company
With participation from Biosphere Reserve managers, experts and lecturers from 15 countries across Asia as well as Europe and Africa, the training workshop will take place over ten days, comprising lectures, field investigations and interactive exchanges on the sustainable management of biosphere reserves.The course is organized collaboratively by the EABRN Secretariat at UNESCO Beijing, the International Centre on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage under the Auspices of UNESCO (HIST), the Wudalianchi Administration Committee and MAB-China, and is made possible through the support of the Republic of Korea National Commission for UNESCO and the Korean Ministry of Environment.
Among the oldest and most active regional Biosphere Reserve networks in the world, EABRN is now entering its third decade of operation. Initially established with the purpose of facilitating exchange and capacity development among East Asia’s MAB community with a focus on ecotourism development and transboundary cooperation, the network today addresses a wide range of themes relating to the management strengthening of the region’s Biosphere Reserves.

View of the Wudalianchi volcanic landscape photographed by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) during demonstration by the DJI company