CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence on Space Technology for Disaster Mitigation (STDM) is formally established in Beijing in 2013, jointly sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), and hosted at The Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR) of CAS. The goal of the Centre is to conduct much-needed research on disaster mitigation through advanced space technologies, especially space-borne Earth observation technology and provide knowledge transfer in developing countries through joint research, education, training, workshop and advisory services. In addition, the close relationships and outreach with TWAS and its Regional Office will also effectively advance its mission.
In response to the needs of developing countries in disaster risk reduction, STDM will organize a training workshop to enhance the capacity building for developing countries to tackle with disaster issues using advanced space technologies. The workshop collects information on international best practices with applications to a variety of hazard events, especially for floods, droughts, earthquakes, tropical cyclones and storms. It stretches over a 2-week period, covering both theoretical and practical aspects on the use of space technologies for disaster mitigation. Experts from various national and international institutions, including TWAS, UN agencies, ICSU, GEO, and CEOS, will share their experiences with working on disaster mitigation and Earth observation.