One of the important missions of HIST (International Centre on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage), a Category II Centre under the auspices of UNESCO, is to provide international training for the member states of UNESCO on conservation, management and sustainable development of world heritage sites, biosphere reserves (BRs) and global geoparks. Sponsored by UNESCO Beijing Office with the support of the Republic of Korea National Commission for UNESCO and the Korean Ministry of Environment, HIST organized the 6th EABRN International Training Workshop in collaboration with the EABRN Secretariat at UNESCO Beijing office, HIST Harbin Base, Wudalianchi Administration Committee and Chinese National Committee for MAB. The training workshop kicked off in Wudalianchi Biosphere Reserve (BR) on May 20, 2015, and wrapped up at HIST Harbin Base on May 30, 2015. With 19 participants from BRs of 10 Asian countries and over 10 lecturers from Asia as well as Europe and Africa, the training workshop lasted over ten days, comprising lectures, field studies and interactive exchanges on the sustainable management of biosphere reserves. The trainees were nominated by various national committees of the MAB Program in Asia and selected by UNESCO Beijing Office.
The training workshop aims to provide Asian BR managers with technical training on sustainable development of BRs and encourage exchange of experience in management, so as to introduce space technologies, enhance the management level of BRs and promote international cooperation between BRs.