Bulletin board
Call for Nomination of the Membership of HIST Governing Board
I. Title: Members of the Governing Board
After three years of service since July, 2011, the Governing Board of the International Centre on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage (HIST) under the auspices of UNESCO is due to be reconstituted. Half of the 9-member Board seats will be renewed while the other half will be retained in order to ensure continuity of services.
HIST is now calling for nominations of international representatives for its Board. The term of the membership is three years and is renewable for a second term.
II. Background Information
HIST is a category 2 center under the auspices of UNESCO and hosted by the Aerospace Information Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). It was established in Beijing in July, 2011 with the mission of providing UNESCO and its member states support and services on using space technologies for world heritage sites, world biosphere reserves and global geoparks.
According to the amended Agreement recently signed by Director-General Irina Bokova of UNESCO and President Prof. Bai Chunli of CAS representing the Government of China, Membership of the Governing Board of HIST is to be renewed every three years. Accordingly, the Membership of the current Board that finished its first 3-year term of services will be renewed before the end of October 2014.
III. Overview of the Mandate
The Governing Board shall meet in ordinary session at regular intervals, at least once every calendar year. It shall meet in extraordinary session if convened by its Chairperson, either at his/her own initiative, or at the request of the UNESCO Director-General, or at the request of at least half of its members.
As stated in the Agreement, the mandate of the Governing Board is as follows:
(a) approve the initial development strategy and all the necessary working methods of HIST in the early phases of work; coordinate its efforts with UNESCO and in line with the needs and requirements of Member States of the various regional groups of UNESCO, with particular focus on Asia and the Pacific and Africa;
(b) approve the medium-term strategy and the biennial action plans of HIST ;
(c) approve the annual work plan and budget of HIST , including staffing provisions, infrastructure requirements and operating costs;
(d) examine the annual reports submitted by the Director of HIST, including the biennial self-assessment reports of HIST’s contribution to UNESCO’s programme objectives;
(e) examine the periodic independent audit reports of the financial statements of HIST and monitor the provision of such accounting records as are necessary for the preparation of financial statements;
(f) determine and establish criteria and conditions governing the participation of regional intergovernmental and international organizations in the work of HIST ; and,
(g) convene special consultative sessions to which it shall invite, in addition to its own members, representatives of other interested countries and international organizations, in order to expand HIST’s fund-raising strategy and strengthen its capacity to review draft proposals aimed at broadening the scope of the services provided by HIST and to carry out its projects and activities.
IV. Required Expertise for Membership
Full professor of prestigious universities, research fellow of national or international research institutions or senior experts of space agencies in fields related to applications of space technologies and/or teaching and/or research experience in institutions working closely with UNESCO-designated properties (world heritage sites and world biosphere reserves) and UNESCO-assisted global geoparks.
Work Experience
Practical experience in institutional development and international relations aspects of relevance to UNESCO’s Programmes and Conventions.
At least 15 years of relevant experience both at international and national levels with a minimum of 6 years at international level; engagement in the promotion of research methods of space technology applications for the conservation and management of UNESCO-designated and UNESCO-assisted properties.
Strong interest in the work of space technologies for UNESCO-designated and UNESCO-assisted properties and willingness to provide constructive advices and services to the development of HIST.
Available to participate in the annual session of the Governing Board to be held in China during the period of December-February each year.
Willingness to exchange information and advice via electronic communications on a regular basis and to participate in consultations and meetings via teleconferencing and other distant communication technologies.
Enthusiasm for using their own academic and professional networks for promoting international collaboration between HIST and UNESCO Member States as well as other relevant international/national organizations or institutions.
V. Benefits
Those who have been selected as the members of HIST Governing Board will be invited to attend its annual sessions at least once every calendar year, normally in China and during the period of December-February. HIST will cover their international airfares and local expenses in China.
When HIST organizes important events in China or in some other countries, HIST will extend invitations to the members of the Governing Board seeking their contributions and participation.
VI. Nomination Procedures
According to “Article VIII, Governing Board”, nominations must be officially endorsed by the member states (namely National Commission for UNESCO or Permanent Delegation to UNESCO) which “shall send official notification to the Centre". UNESCO Secretariat and other relevant international organizations may also nominate candidates.
HIST invites National Commissions of member states for UNESCO or Permanent Delegations of Member States to UNESCO, UNESCO Secretariats implementing the World Heritage Convention, MAB Programme and the Global Geoparks Network as well as international technical advisory bodies with the above mentioned UNESCO activities, in particular the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) to submit, before 10 October 2014, nominations of suitable candidates to the consideration of HIST. Each nominating member state or organization may submit a maximum of two nominations.
Individuals wishing to submit their candidatures for being considered for the position of the Board Member are advised to consult their National Commissions for UNESCO and/or their Permanent Delegations to UNESCO to be considered for nomination.
Nominations must be submitted by filling in the attached form and submitted to HIST Secretariat together with the complete CVs of the nominated candidates before 10 October, 2014.
HIST has set up a nominations committee composed of representatives of UNESCO, CAS and the Director of HIST. The Nominations Committee will review all the applications and select the best candidates and submit them to the considerations of the Chairman of the Governing Board who will make the final decisions on new Members who will be invited to join the Board. The Chairman will then write to inform all those who have been appointed to the Governing Board before the end of October, 2014.
Contact Information:
Mr. Hong Tianhua
Secretary, Governing Board
Executive Deputy Director, HIST
9, Dengzhuang South Road
Haidian District, Beijing 100094
Tel: +86-10-8217-8901; 8217-8911
Fax: +86-10-8217-8915
Email: hongth@radi.ac.cn
Download:Nomination Form