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IRDR IPO Job Announcement
Job Title: Communications Officer
Office: Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR)
International Programme Office (IPO)
c/o Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR)
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Location:No. 9 DengzhuangNanlu, Haidian District, Beijing 100094, China
Duration:two years initially, renewable subject to satisfactory performance and funding availability
Application deadline:9 March 2015, no later than midnight China Standard Time (CST) [Sunday, 8March 2015, 16:00 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)]
Background Information - About IRDR
IRDR is a decade-long global, trans-disciplinary and cross-sectoral research programme on disaster risk reduction and resilience building. IRDR is co-sponsored by the International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social Science Council (ISSC), and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR). Research and capacity building activities under IRDR address major challenges of natural and human-induced environmental hazards and seek to curb disaster losses through better use of relevant science. IRDR’s four core projects focus on: providing a baseline of the current state of the science on integrated research on disaster risk (AIRDR: Assessment of Integrated Research on Disaster Risk); examine the underlying and root causes of disasters (FORIN: Forensic Investigations of Disasters); seek to improve disaster loss databases (DATA: Disaster Loss Data); and investigate Risk Interpretation and Action (RIA). Critically, IRDR’s activities encompass interaction with societal partners, disaster risk reduction practitioners, and policy-makers. IRDR is also playing a key role in shaping the input of disaster risk reduction science and technology into the intergovernmental conferences in 2015 (WCDRR, SDGs,etc.).
The IRDR programme is also establishing International Centres of Excellence (ICoEs) worldwide and is working through dedicated National and Regional Committees (NCs and RCs) as mechanisms to mainstream an integrated approach to disaster risk reduction research and practice at national and regional levels.
The programme is governed by an international Science Committee (SC) composed of globally recognised experts from all relevant scientific fields and from different societal sectors, who are appointed by and act on behalf of the Co-Sponsors.
Background Information – Job-Specific
Organisational Setting and Reporting Relationships:the International Programme Office (IPO), located at The Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in Beijing, China, is the focal point for the coordination, promotion and expansion of the IRDR programme. Led by an Executive Director, the IPO has four supporting scientific/technical and administrative staff — Junior Science Officer, Communications Officer, Administrative Officer and Office Assistant — all of whom report to the Executive Director, and are formally employed by the IPO’s host institution, AIR.
Key Responsibilities of the Communications Officer lie in the following areas:
·Communications Strategy:
oHelp design, implement and regularly adjust multi-annual communications plan (messaging, partnerships, media,etc.).
·Content Management:
oWebsite management (content and design):writing and editing of website content, including collecting and revising news items from networks and partners; prepare design of the website (and adjust it ifneeded); managing the calendar of events, uploading of announcements, publications (including blogs), and enhancing social media functions.
o Publications:support the preparation (layout) and oversee the printing of IRDR-related publications (e.g. annual reports, quarterly newsletter, project reports, posters, etc.), including liaising with vendors (graphic designers, printers,etc.), and plan dissemination (monitor/manage stock inventories).
o Photo library:collect and create image database (IRDR and IRDR-related events; IRDR themes).
o Documentation:archiving of programme-related documents, including from third-parties (hardcopies).
·Network Management:
o Contacts database:maintain/expand contact database (used for announcements, dissemination, network building), including maintenance of subscription services (approval, clean spam, respond to queries, etc.)
o Social media and email marketing:manage social media accounts (Twitter and LinkedIn) and regularly update audiences with ongoing activities, events, publications and announcements.
o Media relations:strengthen media network and prepare press releases.
o Branding:complete and implement an IRDR visual branding (templates, logos, acronyms, names).
·Event Management:
o Oversee/design event collaterals (e.g. announcements, banners, abstract book, posters, etc.), including sponsorship packages for IRDR events, and liaise with partners on dissemination.
o Assist IRDR bodies and the Executive Director in the planning/implementing conferences, workshops and other programme activities.
·Internal Communication (including ICT Support):
o Assist in ensuring smooth and secure operations of the electronic communications structure (hardware, software), including regular backup of digital documentation and liaising with the IT personnel as appropriate.
·General Communications Support:
o Any other duties assigned by Executive Director.
Competencies / Expectations
·Professionalism: is able to undertake the responsibilities at the level expected in an international programme/organisation (evidence to be provided in CV and during interview).
Ability to produce accurate and concise communication on complex scientific and societal multi-stakeholder related topics (evidence to be provided through writing samples).
Ability to plan own assignments, work independently and can manage conflicting priorities, strong interpersonal and multicultural skills (evidence to be provided in CV and during interview).
·Accountability: takes ownership of all responsibilities and delivering the outputs of such responsibilities within the prescribed time, seeking effective costing solutions and adhering to relevant quality standards. Can navigate withinthe Chinese media landscape and will comply with the rules and regulations of the IRDR IPO and its host institute, AIR.
·Teamwork: works collaboratively with other staff members to achieve the goals of the IRDR IPO; proactively contributing to better team performance and assisting within the position remit, actively and creatively, to the expansion and visibility of the programme and its components. Willing to assist and to solicit others’ inputs and expertise and keen to learn from others.
·Planning and Organising: develops clear goals and working routines consistent with agreed long-term strategies and ensures short-term efficient use of time; able to prioritise and to monitor activities/assignments; adjusts priorities as required in a multi-stakeholder environment.
Education/Experience/Knowledge/Technical Skills/Language Requirements
·Education: advanced university degree in communications, (science) journalism, public/business administration, international relations, development studies, or another relevant field. For this position a Master’s degree is a requirement.
·Experience:a minimum of five years of related experience in public affairs and/or (science) journalism, including multi-annual experience of working with international /intergovernmental organisations and/or science and/or development actors, with progressively relevant experience. Familiarity with the process of devising and implementing a communications plan in a complex multi-stakeholder environment would be an asset.
·Knowledge:an understanding of current issues in disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and Sustainable Development Goals is desirable; evidence for having exercised communications tasks in this field would be an asset (for example: interface of science and general public and/or policy-makers).
·Technical Skills:proficient and versatile use of software programmes (MS Office Suite range of products; Adobe Suite, especially Acrobat, Illustrator, Photoshop in CS4 versions and above); knowledge and experience in website management (WordPress), and professional use of social media platforms and other e-dissemination tools, etc.
·Language: native/near native command of written and spoken English; ability to express oneself clearly and unambiguously in a variety of relevant fora. The working language of the IPO and the IRDR Programme is English, but knowledge of Mandarin would be an asset (for engagement with media, exchanges with vendors,etc.).
Contract Type and Duration
·Contract type:fixed term.
·Contract duration: two years initially, renewable subject to satisfactory performance and funding availability.
·Reporting:the Communications Officer is employed by AIR and reports to the IRDR IPO’s Executive Director; there is an annual performance review.
How to Apply
Closing date for applications: Monday, 9March 2015,no later than midnight China Standard Time (CST)[Sunday, 8March 2015, 16:00 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)].
Only online applications will be accepted. Please submit the following documents in PDF format (there is no application form):
1.Application letter, explaining why you are interested in the post and outlining the skills and experiences you feel you bring to the position. Please state in your letter where you saw this vacancy notice.
2.Current CV with your contact details, nationality and residency, giving evidence for the competencies and experiences required for this position.
3.A list of three individuals who have indicated their readiness to provide a professional reference, providing their names, institutional or business affiliations, telephone/e-mail/Skype contacts (where available), and indicating their relationship to you.
4.Three writing samples (maximum one A4-page each) from different media. In the case of texts (articles, brochures, books), please also provide link.
Submit applications by e-mail to jobs@irdrinternational.org, stating “Application CO Post” in the subject line.
The application letter should be addressed to:
Dr Rüdiger Klein
Executive Director
Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) Programme
c/o AIR/Chinese Academy of Sciences
Room B713, No.9 DengzhuangNanlu
Haidian District
·Interview date: the first round of interviews will be held via Skype on 24 and 25 March 2015.
Additional Considerations and Next Steps
·Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
·Only those candidates shortlisted for an interview will be notified during the week of 15 March 2015.
·It is expected that the successful candidate will take up his/her appointment ideally on 1 May 2015, but no later than 1 June 2015.
·Once recruited the candidate will sign an employment contract with AIR/CAS; assistance will be provided for all the necessary permits and arrangements for a candidate not already resident in China.
For more information about the IRDR programme please visit: http://ww.irdrinternational.org.